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Conference on Indoor Environment in Schools and Day Care Centres

    The Bâtiment Santé Plus association is organizing the 4th Conference for Healthy Buildings of Schools and Day Care Centres on May 22 2014 at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie (science museum) in Paris. The event will be held in English and French. Further information can be obtained HERE.

    Grass root level engagement in Ljubljana

      Ljubljana is one of the locations where CITI-SENSE will demonstrate the concept of citizens’ observatories. This will be carried out in a case study on indoor air in schools and one on urban air quality.

      Each year the Institute Jožef Stefan (JSI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, organizes the Days of Jožef Stefan to mark the birthday of this great Slovenian physicist. In this context, JSI was presenting CITI-SENSE activities in Ljubljana to science enthusiasts of every age. They could obtain information about CITI-SENSE and the initiatives in Ljubljana through posters, print materials and a video. Additionally, a sample of sensor units was available as demonstration material. They presented real-time results, accessible via QR-code.
      The event was a success – more than 500 visitors passed the exhibition and many people have been introduced to CITI-SENSE and the idea of citizens’ observatories. 

      Visit CITI-SENSE @ Ljubljana on facebook!

      GEO European Projects’ Workshop 8

        The European Commission is announcing the 8th GEO European Projects Workshop (GEPW-8) to take place 12.-13. June 2014 in Athens, Greece.

        The eighth of the annual series of GEO European Projects Workshops is intended to bring all those interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) from all over Europe together, in order to present their work and discuss how Europe can contribute to this international effort, especially in the wake of the launch of the new EU Framework Programme for Research, Horizon 2020, and renewal of the mandate of GEO for another 10 years through the endorsement of the 2014 Geneva Declaration.

        Deadline for registering your presentation is 30 April 2014, for registering your attendance it is 23 May 2014. Further information is available HERE.

        CITI-SENSE at the GEO week

          CITI-SENSE has been participating at the GEO-X Plenary & Geneva Ministerial Summit. Together with the other projects on Citizens’ Observatories (CO) in the new formed Interest Group Citizens’ Observatories, our partners presented CITI-SENSE to a larger audience. Collaboration between the CO projects is important – and is now taking form. Further collaboration is planned and a joint workshop in fall this year under preparation.

          GEOSS video about Citizens’ Observatories

            The Commission has made a video about Citizens’ Observatories, showing all five Citizens’ Observatories projects that receive funding under the same call. The video is now freely accessible by following this link. Only 5 minutes provide a successful overview over the projects (amongst them CITI-SENSE) and their contribution to GEOSS. Enjoy!