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Save the date: Citizens’ Observatories: Empowering European Society – Open Conference

    We invite you to participate in the Open Conference “Citizens’ Observatories: Empowering European Society”. CITI-SENSE is one of the five Citizens’ Observatories projects that are organizing this event together with the European Commission. It will take place on 04.12.2014 in Brussels. This event will look at the opportunities of citizen science and the citizens’ contribution to policy making. It will be a platform for experts and policy makers to get into contact with each other and discuss new ways of citizen engagement. Participation is free but registration required. Further information can be obtained HERE.

    Citizen Science 2015

      The Citizen Science Association is planning a conference from 11-12 Feburary 2015 in San Jose/CA, USA. Citizen Science 2015 will establish connections and exchange ideas across a broad field of expertise. Retrieve more information at the Citizen Science 2015 web pages.