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Newsletter No6 available

    The latest issue of the CITI-SENSE newsletter is now available for download and on issuu – follow the links in the box to the right!

    Citizens’ Science and Smart Cities Summit

      From 05-07 February 2014 the European Commission organised the Citizens’ Science and Smart Cities Summit at Ispra, Italy. CITI-SENSE was one of the projects that used this opportunity to inform about and promote the idea of citizen-centered projects. More information and presentations from the workshop are available HERE.

      Know the air you breathe

        Each year on May 6 – the World Asthma Day – a large number of initiatives are launched to draw attention to air pollution and associated health impacts. One example is the project Know your air for health. This initiative provides information about air pollution and associated health effects to a large audience. The web pages inform about risks and give advice on what everybody can do to improve air quality.